
Zero Fee Processing

Zero-Cost Credit Card Processing

Save hundreds of thousands of dollars with zero-cost credit card processing! Our low cost credit card processing solutions ensure our users retain more of their earnings – which means you can invest in the growth of your business. SimPay offers:

As credit card processing continues to be the most popular form of payment for businesses throughout the United States, it’s critical to find an affordable payment processing platform. While most payment service providers charge a range of processing fees, zero-cost credit card processing is an option for entrepreneurs who want to offset the cost of processing payments.

When a customer pays for an item at a business that uses zero-cost credit card processing, the processing fee is passed onto the cardholder. This means there is a variation in cost between payments made on a card and payments made in cash. Customers will have a choice to pay with a credit card at a slightly higher price (known as a surcharge) or pay with cash at the original price.

How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees with Zero-Cost Processing

Zero-cost credit card processing automatically adds a surcharge to eligible transactions. If a customer pays with a credit card that is eligible for zero-cost credit card processing, your payment terminal will add a surcharge that covers the processing fees. This automated process ensures that your staff can quickly accept payments, regardless of whether they’re eligible for zero-cost credit card payments.

While there are other types of surcharging, they’re often manual, which can cause operational issues for your staff members and slow down payments.

Benefits of Low-Cost Credit Card Processing

Reduce Exposure to Credit Card Payment Processing Fees

When you use zero-cost credit card processing, your customers pay your processing fees - this helps lower your costs.

Receive Original Prices for Products and Services

When your business pays for its own credit card processing, it leaves itself exposed to a mixed bag of fees and costs. This can make it difficult to price your products and services accurately.

Encourage Cash Payments from Customers

If you want to reduce your exposure to credit card fees, charging a higher price for credit card transactions will make customers think twice about their payment method.

Zero-Cost Credit Card Processing Laws

One of the most challenging elements involved in zero-cost credit card processing is complying with the laws that surround this payment practice. Some states – such as Texas – have rules that disallow this type of processing. However, most states in the country do allow various forms of surcharging, provided that regulations are followed correctly.

If surcharging is banned in your state, you can still enjoy the benefits of zero-cost credit card processing by offering a cash discount program instead. Search online to understand your state’s credit card processing laws – and keep up to date with what is permitted. Your credit card processing provider can help you stay compliant with local regulations.

Ready To Get Started?

If your business is ready to take advantage of free credit card processing, there's never been a better time to get in touch with our team. Call now to find out more.

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