
State Regulations

Businesses are permitted to give customers a discount or another incentive for using a particular payment method under the federal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Durbin Amendment”), provided that the incentive is extended to all customers and that it is made clear and conspicuously known. As an incentive for paying with cash or check instead of a credit card, a company can provide its customers a discount.


There are no laws in the state of Alabama that forbid a business from giving a customer a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Alaska, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Arizona, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a consumer a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Arkansas, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to get them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


Any clause that prevents a merchant from giving discounts or from charging a different, lower price to consumers who pay with cash instead of a credit card is against public policy and unenforceable. Such clauses can appear in contracts between a card issuer and a store.


If a discount is made available to all potential buyers and its availability is made clear and conspicuously known to all potential buyers in accordance with administrator regulations, the discount offered by a seller or lessor for the purpose of encouraging payment by cash, check, or another method other than using a seller’s or lender’s credit card shall not be considered a finance charge.


Nothing in this section forbids a vendor from giving a customer a discount in exchange for paying with cash, a debit card, a check, or another comparable method as opposed to a credit card. In accordance with the legislative conclusions in 42-133j, no current or future contract or agreement shall forbid a gasoline retailer or distributor from giving a customer a discount based on how they paid for the fuel. Any clause in the contract or agreement that forbids the store or distributor from providing the discount is null and unenforceable because it violates public policy.


In the state of Delaware, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to get them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.

District of Columbia

There are no laws in the District of Columbia that forbid a business from giving a customer a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Florida, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.
This provision does not apply to the providing of a discount for the purpose of promoting payment by cash, cheque, or other methods not requiring the use of a credit card, provided the discount is offered to all prospective customers, as stated in the final sentence of Florida Statute 501.0117(1).


In the state of Georgia, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Hawaii, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a consumer a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Idaho, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to get them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Illinois, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a consumer a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Indiana, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Iowa, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a consumer a cash discount in order to persuade them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Kansas, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a consumer a cash discount to entice them to use cash or another comparable payment method as opposed to a credit card to make a purchase.


In the state of Kentucky, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to get them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


In the state of Louisiana, there are no laws that forbid a business from giving a client a cash discount in order to get them to pay with cash or another comparable method rather than a credit card.


Surcharges are forbidden. A cardholder who chooses to pay with a credit card or debit card instead of cash, a check, or another comparable method is not subject to being charged an additional fee by the seller in a sales transaction. Any method of raising the standard price for a cardholder that is not imposed on a client paying with cash, a check, or another comparable method is referred to as a “surcharge” for the purposes of this section. A fee is not included in a discount or decrease from the standard price.


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