
About Us

We are proud to support businesses of all types meet their merchant payment processing goals.

Your All-In-One Payment Processor

Payment processing is confusing. The big processors make it difficult to understand exactly what your rate is and what fees are associated with accepting credit cards. We deliver personal service and clarity. Our people care about customer service and will take the time to explain how everything works. We believe that when you get your statement every month, you should understand every item, and it should match what you were promised in the sales process. If you have a question, there is a live person at SimPay Merchant Services ready to assist you.

If you have a problem, we will make it right, guaranteed. It sounds simple, but so many payment processing companies just don’t get it. You might have used them before. Some of our customers tell us they have been through five or more merchant services company. Our promise is that this will be the last time you ever have to switch. Great service, great rates, great people. That is what you can expect from us – nothing less.

Your business. Your way. It’s never been easier.

With our all-in-one solutions, you spend less time sweating the small stuff and more time growing your business.

At our Core, SimPay strives to secure payment processing for any type of business, whether that be high risk, low risk, or simply hard to place industries. We promise to guide our merchants with inclusivity, creativity, and transparency along every step of the way. Our personalized approach sets us apart from others like us and we want to continue to expand and adapt in that direction.

To be able to support the wants and needs of every customer is the reason that SimPay was created. But there is always room for improvement in this space. We want to see payment innovations that will make the process of a transaction faster, safer, and easier for both the merchant and their customers. Being a part of this change helps us to continue to work for the things that matter… you.

Support the customer by doing whatever it takes to fulfill their wants and needs for their business and its transactional goals.

Develop the team by building each of them up in an environment of fairness, fellowship, and fun, both in the office and out.

Evolve and adapt by seeing where we are compared to where we could be in every aspect of the business.

Top-Rated Merchant Services

What Our Clients Are Saying

We deliver the best service and the lowest rates. Don’t just take it from us. See what our customers have to say. We pride ourselves on our fantastic customer service and high customer retention rates. Our focus on service shines through our customer reviews.

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